About Us

The biggest single facility worldwide dedicated to pellet production, to provide an effective service and a product which is always of the highest quality.
Great expertise and passion are the characteristics that have enabled MAFIN to carve out its own position in the market from the very beginning, to become a world leader.

Mafin Snack Pellets
Mafin's Key Numbers
*(data 2021/2022)

Innovation and food safety
MAFIN strives to promote the adoption of a healthier and more sustainable food model. This approach takes on the form of choices involving our entire value chain, from decisions on research and development projects to the selection of raw materials and suppliers, with a view to ongoing improvement of processes and products.

About Us

Mafin Snack Pellets
Mafin's Key Numbers
Innovation and food safety

MAFIN strives to promote the adoption of a healthier and more sustainable food model. This approach takes on the form of choices involving our entire value chain, from decisions on research and development projects to the selection of raw materials and suppliers, with a view to ongoing improvement of processes and products.
+ 4,560
+ 760
+ 980